Monday, May 19, 2014

The One With the End of Bout of Books 10.0

Well, this whirlwind of a week is now over. 

Bout of Books 10.0 = I SURVIVEDDDD!!!!

Guyssss I hit my goal of three books! Woohoo!! That right there is worth celebrating in and of itself. Even better? I got 247 pages into my 4th book. HECK YEAH! 

So, what are my final stats for Bout of Books 10.0?
I'm glad you asked.

Pages read today: 40
Books completed:
Currently Reading: House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus #4) - 328 pages in
Total Pages Read: 1,147 - WHAT?! I just calculated this and read over 1,000 PAGES! CRAZY!!!!

Thoughts: Guyyssssss I DID IT!!!! I'm so beyond proud of myself! No lie, this is probably the first read-a-thon where I've actually met my goal and didn't have to change it. Makes me happy! I also participated in a Twitter-chat and had a blast. Met and followed some awesome new people. Though some of those questions were hard to answer!

Ex - In response to Q1 - "If I could only read one genre for the rest of my life _____" I promptly answered with a

I thought it fitting.
@bookbender likes to torture us so.

Another hard question? Asking us to give recommendations! Took me 4 tweets and even that didn't cover it!

Hint Hint. Shameless promotion. Go read them. Now.

Also participated in some great challenges!
Day 2 Challenge where we create a list of books we are looking forward too hosted by River City Reading - Check out my 2014 Anticipated reads here.
Also, my 2nd challenge was to retitle your current read hosted by Oh Magic Hour - Here is my awesome list of fantastic new names - very creative might I add.

So, all in all, tons of fun!! I'm really glad I participated and hope to participate in future Bout of Books Read-a-thons!


  1. Congrats on completing your goals! Sounds like you had a very successful read-a-thon :)

  2. Over a 1,000 pages in a week?? WOAH! That's awesome. One of these days, I'll have to participate in a read-a-thon (can you believe I never have before?). They always seem to fall around inconvenient times for me, but I'm keen on setting a goal and reading all that I can and hopefully maybe finishing successfully, like you did here. Someday it'll happen!


So what did y'all think? I'd love to know your opinions :)
(P.S. I try to answer all comments so check back often! Also, this is an award-free blog. I absolutely love that you thought of me, but I don't have time to pass it along. Thank you though!)