Friday, May 11, 2012

Destiny's Fire (Kythan Guardians #1) by Trisha Wolfe

Destiny's Fire (Kythan Guardians #1)
by Trisha Wolfe
Pages: 224
Source: Amazon
Format: ebook

Rating: I liked it

Goodreads Synopsis: 
It’s the year 2040, and sixteen-year-old Dez Harkly is one of the last of her kind—part of a nearly extinct race of shape-shifters descended from guardians to the Egyptian pharaohs. Her home and her secret are threatened when the Council lowers the barrier, allowing the enemy race to enter the Shythe haven.

As the Narcolym airships approach, Dez and her friends rebel against their Council and secretly train for battle. Not only is Dez wary of war and her growing affection for her best friend Jace, but she fears the change her birthday will bring. When Dez’s newfound power rockets out of control, it’s a Narcolym who could change her fate... if she can trust him.

Dez’s guarded world crumbles when she discovers why the Narcos have really come to Haven Falls, and she's forced to choose between the race who raised her and the enemy she's feared her whole life.

Short and Sweet:

Let me first start off by saying that the idea behind this book is fascinating! So unique and engrossing. Destiny is a kick-butt and sassy girl with a huge secret. While I figured it out pretty soon, I was interested in the reasons behind the secret. This book was full of steamy, tension-filled goodness! Whew! But while I liked that, it was also a downfall. The romance of the story kind of turned me off. Bring in the cursed love triangle! At least in this one I feel as if she knows who she'll choose. I just hope she doesn't change her mind in the next book. Also, this has a slight case of insta-love. Well, not so much "insta-love" but almost (if that makes any sense?). She doesn't fall in love with him the first time she meets him, but pretty darn close. At least I understand why. They are the same and the only two people like that so she feels a connection, but still, me no likey. 

Also, a case of TTS (Typical Teenage Syndrome). This doesn't bug me a lot but sometimes I feel its unnecessary. For example, this book does cuss (kind of a lot if I remember correctly) and while sometimes it was alright, other times it was unnecessary. Also, the characters do a lot of clubbing and drinking which, again, doesn't always bug me (I'm not stuck up, I swear! :P), but it can sometimes get excessive. It's just not always my preference. While this does fit the "steampunk" type of book, just be warned. If that doesn't bother you or you like that then definitely check this book out! If you don't like that stuff then be a bit wary.  

Overall I really enjoyed it. The plot was so intriguing and I'm waiting impatiently to learn where it goes from here. While I'm on the fence about the romance, I still enjoyed the characters. I can't wait to learn what's in store next for these guys :) 

All the best ♥


  1. I hadn't heard of this before, but I'm really interested in the concept! Plus I love steampunk and Egyptian mythology, so I'm going to be checking this one out when I can.

    Great review!

    1. I have to admit that I never would have even dreamed of someone mixing those two elements! Egyptian mythology and steampunk? Great imagination! Yay! glad I could help you find another book to add to your TBR! Thanks!!

      All the best ♥

  2. Very nicely reviewed. I think I have this one qued to read on my kindle. Its good to know about the language and partying aspects of the book, sometimes though work for me sometimes I'm totally turned off by them.

    1. Thanks! and I completely agree. It's often a hit or miss with me. But sometimes it just depend on the mood I'm in. I hope you enjoy it once you get around to it!

      All the best ♥


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(P.S. I try to answer all comments so check back often! Also, this is an award-free blog. I absolutely love that you thought of me, but I don't have time to pass it along. Thank you though!)