Monday, March 12, 2012

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

The Goddess Test (The Goddess Test #1)
by Aimée Carter
Release Date: April 19, 2011
Pages: 293
Source: Bought/Amazon
Format: ebook

Rating: I really liked it

Goodreads Synopsis:
In a modern-day take on the myth of Persephone, 18-year-old Kate Winters is thrust into a mythical world, where she must pass seven impossible tests and outsmart a spiteful god in order to save the life of not just her mother but of her captor as well.

My Review: 

In a sentence: 

The Goddess Test is a beautiful story of hope, perseverance and fighting for what you love with a protagonist that you can't help but admire. 

The Myth: 

I like the author’s new take on the myth of Hades and Persephone. Instead of Henry (aka Hades) being the bad guy, he was just a guy that fell in love and got his heart broken. Her version gives you a new perspective of this old myth.

A is for Admirable:

Normally my favorite heroines are the ones who are strong, fierce, and can kick-butt (literally) but I also like intelligent, loyal, passionate and admirable characters. Now, when all of these characteristics are put together, they make for some awesome heroines. But if the MC has most of them, then I still really enjoy it. In the Goddess Test, while Kate may not have been physically strong, she did not fall short in the passionate and admirable categories. Kate has had so much loss in her life that she is tired of seeing death and deterioration. I loved her passion to protect her mother and do anything for her. However, it was her fierce passion to help Henry that truly made her admirable. She was willing to risk her life for a guy she didn’t even know, just because she was tired of seeing the death of those around her.

Soft Spot:

 I also found that I had a soft spot for Henry. Normally, I like a man’s man that's rough and rugged and knows how to wield a weapon or the delicious bad boy (guilty pleasure ;) ) but I found myself liking Henry. No, not loving him and swooning over him, but feeling sorry for him and wanting to help him and give him a hug. He’s just a lonely guy that had his heart broken and all he wants is someone to care about him. Is that so much to ask? I felt myself learning to care for him right along with Kate.


…..I hate that it was Hera who killed all those girls. It doesn’t even make sense!!!!! Hera is the goddess of marriage. No matter how many times Zeus cheats on her, she would never cheat on him because that would break the vows of her marriage. The goddess of marriage would not break the vows of her marriage. Catching my drift? So I’m kind of indifferent about it. While I understand she was lonely and wanted to be with Henry because they shared that sense of loneliness, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that it was Hera.

end spoiler


I actually like the tests. While I’m kind of bothered that you don’t really know what is a test and what isn’t (though that may just be because I wasn't paying that much attention :P ), I ended up liking it when I found out at the end. I thought the ideas of the test, not so much the execution, was brilliant. However, another spoiler I don’t really like that they chose the seven deadly sins when the gods pretty much break all of them. Pretty much, they want her to have good morals and be a good person but its alright for them not to be? Hypocritical. end spoiler.


Overall, I enjoyed the story. The plot was intriguing enough to keep my interest, and Kate’s admirable actions won my heart over. While I did have some issues with it, the unique take on the myth and the MC’s actions makes this a book worth reading.

Part of my Mythology Challenge

All the best ♥

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  1. I really want to read The Goddess Test, it sounds like a really original idea!
    By the way, I awarded you the Liebster Blog Award, come have a look at the post on my blog when you get the chance! :)

    1. It is pretty original! However, I haven't read many Hades/Persephone re-tellings so I don't really have anything to compare it to :P but it was good! Hope you enjoy it once you read it! Aww Thanks! I'll definitely take a look!

      All the best ♥


So what did y'all think? I'd love to know your opinions :)
(P.S. I try to answer all comments so check back often! Also, this is an award-free blog. I absolutely love that you thought of me, but I don't have time to pass it along. Thank you though!)