Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thinking Through Thursday (5)

Welcome to another "Thinking Through Thursday"! This is a post I write (or try to) every Thursday in which I discuss various bookish goodness. 

This week's discussion is


The Good:
They're free! Well, at least for us readers. And come one. Who doesn't want a free book? You'd be crazy to turn that down! So you get a free book and all you have to do is write a review? Sign me up! I absolutely love getting books from authors and publishers, not only because they are free, but that means that they like what I do. It makes me feel special XD And one great thing about ARCS is the fact that you get to read books before others! Yeah, I'm totally bragging here. I hate waiting. Actually, I'm pretty patient normally, but when it comes to books that don't come out for months and months and months, it gets tedious. So it's a lot of fun to be able to get books before they come out and get the word spread around. (P.S. Thanks to all those who sent me ARCs/Review copies!) 

The Bad: 
Time limits suck. Especially for those like me that are not organized. At all. I like to try and read ARCs and review them before they come out, but my Netgalley list is through the roof! There is no way I can read and review them all before their release dates, no matter how hard I try. I'm human. Sue me. The same with review books. I looooove getting review books because I know that these authors are giving me a book and hoping that I'll spread the word around and it's nice to know they trust me. But it's hard. I read because I like to read. I started blogging because I wanted to spread my love of books. ARCs and review books were kind of an added bonus. But to be honest, sometimes getting ARCs and Review books make my job more tedious than fun and it can make me feel rushed. Don't get me wrong, I love having this opportunity, I've just got to learn to limit my amount. There are soo many books out there that I want to read, but I usually give ARCs and reviews priority, but sometimes thats hard, especially if I'm only reading it to read it before its release date, not because I'm actually in the mood to read it.

I picked this topic today because I'll be revising by Review Policy. I will no longer take review requests (at this time) except perhaps for blog tours. All ARCs I receive will be due to my request from the publisher, Netgalley, ect. I'm doing this only because I feel like this gets to be more of a job than a hobby. I want to review books, but I also want to have fun while doing it. And I have so many older books that are on my TBR that I need to get around to reading also. Most ARCs will be through Netgalley.

So what about my fellow bloggers out there? Any advice you can give me? Any organizational tools would be greatly appreciated XD 

All the best ♥


  1. Yes! Omg, I'm totally the same! Obviously I LOVE getting the chance to receive books for review for all the same reasons you do. but I know what you mean with it making reading them seem more like a chore than fun, because I feel under pressure to hurry up and review it! Great choice of topic this week :)

    1. Exactly! Ughhh...its why I've decided to take a break. I just feel so awful when I tell these authors no and then I get books that I'm kind of iffy on ya know? I'd much rather let a blogger who can handle it help them out. Thanks for stopping by!

      All the best ♥


So what did y'all think? I'd love to know your opinions :)
(P.S. I try to answer all comments so check back often! Also, this is an award-free blog. I absolutely love that you thought of me, but I don't have time to pass it along. Thank you though!)