Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Books read and Challenges

Warning: Epic fail ahead.

2014 Goodreads Challenge

Host: Goodreads
Goal: 60
# of Books read: 30
Status: Not. Even. Close.

2014 Debut Author Challenge 

Host: The Story Siren
Goal: 12
# of Books read: 6!
Status: Even though I still didn't meet the goal, I made it halfway which was a big accomplishment for 2014 *happy dance*
1. Defy (Goodreads) by Sara Larson - Didn't hate it, but certainly didn't love it either. 
2. Cruel Beauty (Goodreads) by Rosamund Hodge - I really want to re-read this one because I'm not sure why it's at 3 stars. I remember devouring it so I wonder why I changed the rating. This is why you review right after you finish reading. 
3. Camelot Burning (Goodreads) by Kathryn Rose - No. Just no. 
4. The Falconer (Goodreads) by Elizabeth May - YESSS! SO MUCH YESS I CANNOT CONTAIN THE YESSSS! Except that ending - curse you May! *shakes fists in the air*
5. The Queen of the Tearling (Goodreads) by Erika Johansen - I'm....I'm really confused. I liked it. And hated it.
6. Threats of Sky and Sea (Goodreads) by Jennifer Ellision - A hidden gem. Go read it. 

2014 Netgalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge

Goal: 25
# of Books read: 8
Status: *crickets*
1. Defy (Goodreads) by Sara Larson
2. Camelot Burning (Goodreads) by Kathryn Rose
3. Threats of Sky and Sea (Goodreads) by Jennifer Ellision
4. The Queen's Choice (Goodreads) by Cayla Kluver - DNF
5. The Lady Thief (Goodreads) by A. C. Gaughen - READ IT! 
6. Sworn to Raise (Goodreads) by Terah Edun - Meh.
7. Manor of Secrets (Goodreads) by Katherine Longshore - Downton Abbey in book form. 
8. Heir of Fire (Goodreads) by Sarah J. Maas - WOEIJSLDFKJWEOIFJWOEF! ROWAN!

Lucky No. 14 Reading Challenge

Goal: 14
# of Books read: 12
Status: Woohoo! So close! 
1. Visit the Country: Read a book that has a setting in a country you really want to visit in real life. Book read: The Falconer (Goodreads) by Elizabeth May - SCOTLAND!
2. Cover Lust: Pick a book from your shelf that you bought for the beautiful/creepy/awesome ect. cover. Book read: Cruel Beauty (Goodreads) by Rosamund Hodge - JUST LOOK AT THAT COVER! 
3. Blame it on Bloggers: Read a book because you've read the sparkling reviews from other bloggers. Book read: The Queen of the Tearling (Goodreads) by Erika Johansen - I don't know whether to hug you, or punch you. 
4. Bargain All the Way: Read a book you bought for the price. Sworn to Raise (Goodreads) by Terah Edun - 'Twas free (ARC). 
5. (Not So) Fresh From the Oven: Read a book released last year that you never had a chance to read. Book read: Insurgent (Goodreads) by Veronica Roth - WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG?!?! 
6. First Letter's Rule: Read a book with a title that begins with the same letter as your name (M). Book read: Manor of Secrets (Goodreads) by Katherine Longshore
7. Once Upon a Time: Choose a book published before you were born. Book read: None. 
8. Chunky Brick: Read a book more than 500 pages. Book read: Cress (Goodreads) by Marissa Meyer - This book is huge because it is full of AWESOMENESS! THORNEEEEE! Also, Cress is just too plain adorable. 
9. Favorite Author: Read a book written by your favorite author. Book read: ALL THE THRONE OF GLASS BOOKS! MAAS! WHY MUST YOU DO THESE THINGS?!
10. It's Been There Forever: Pick up a book that's been on your shelf for more than year. Book read: Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (Goodreads) by Jenny Nimmo - so this is actually a re-read, but I LOVE it. 
11. Movies vs. Books: You've seen the movie, now it's time to read the book. Book read: Divergent (Goodreads) by Veronica Roth - I actually read this wayyyy back in 2011 when it first came out, but I watched the movie and wanted to compare it to the book again (and also read the rest of the series) so I decided to re-read it. 
12. Freebies Time: Read a free book (giveaway, ARC, birthday, ect). Book read: Threats of Sky and Sea (Goodreads) by Jennifer Ellision
13. Not My Cup of Tea: Read from a genre you've never tried (or just disliked) before. Books read: Do textbooks count? Here's to looking at you biology. 
14. Walking Down the Memory Lane: Re-read a book you loved as a child. Book read: I'm reusing this one - Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (Goodreads) by Jenny Nimmo 

2014 Dystopia Reading Challenge

Goal: Rebel 7-12 books
# of Books read: 4 
Status: Eh. Not to bad. Crammed in 2 at the last minute. 
1. Divergent (Goodreads) by Veronica Roth
2. Insurgent (Goodreads) by Veronica Roth 
3. Cress (Goodreads) by Marissa Meyer
4. The Queen of the Tearling (Goodreads) by Erika Johansen

2014 Series Challenge

Goal: 4 series
# of Series read: 2
Status: So, I didn't actually finish any series, but there are 2 series that I've read all available books in which counts. So, that was really my only saving grace. Also, not a single one was a series I planned on finishing. Almost finished the Divergent series (reading Allegiant now) but didn't finish it in 2014. 
Series: Throne of Glass series and Lunar Chronicles series. 

2014 Fairy Tales Retold Reading Challenge

Goal: 4-6 books
# of Books read: 2
Status: Fail. 
Book read:
1. Cress (Goodreads) by Marissa Meyer
2. Cruel Beauty (Goodreads) by Rosamund Hodge


  1. If you want, you can give the fairytale challenge another shot ;) I'm hosting it now and you are more than welcome!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    حيث تمتلك شركتنا عمالة فنية ومدربة جيدا على الاهتمام بتنظيف الشقق والفلل والمنازل كما تهتم بأدق التفاصيل للوصول الى الصورة المثالية التى يبحث عنها العميل فهدفنا الرئيسى هو ان نوفر لعملائنا الاعزاء الراحة النفسية كما تمتلك شركتنا
    افضل المعدات الحديثة وادوات النظافة العامة المطابقة للمواصفات لنصبح افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض كما نكون حريصين على استخدام افضل الخامات والمواد التنظيف التى تجعل منزلك نظيفا وجميلا والتى تمت تجربتها ومطابقتها للمواصفات اكثر من مرة للوصول الى الهدف المنشود .
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    تعتبر شركه القائد من افضل الشركات فى تنظيف الخزانات بجازان فنحن نقوم بتقديم الخدمات المميزه التى تتحدث بالجوده والتميز دائما وتعمل الشركه جاهده على توفير المال والجهد للعميل فتقدم له افضل الخدمات فىتنظيف الخزانات والتى نؤديها بمهاره عاليه ودقه جيده ترى نتائجها من التعامل الاول مع الشركه فاذا كنت تشتكى من تسريب الخزان او كسره فان شركتنا عندها خبره وافيه فى هذا المجال ولها القدره على تنظيفه وتصليحه والتخلص من الروائح الكريهه والتخلص من مسببات التلوث الموجوده به وجعله كانه يبدو كالجديد تماما.
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So what did y'all think? I'd love to know your opinions :)
(P.S. I try to answer all comments so check back often! Also, this is an award-free blog. I absolutely love that you thought of me, but I don't have time to pass it along. Thank you though!)