Yeah....sadly that's definitely my white girl dancing moves ;) So proud.
Anyways, I'm signed up for my first read-a-thon and I'm pretty psyched. So what read-a-thon do you ask? Drum roll please..........

The Summer Lovin’ Readathon is a week-long readathon event hosted by seven bloggers! (Oh, Chrys!, Tumbling Books, Effortlessly Reading, Love Life Read, Shelf Addiction, Read Sleep Repeat, and Reviewing Wonderland)
Woohoo! I really need all the help I can get right now to get reading and there is nothing better than this. Even though it started July 1, I'm not really starting mine till I get back home today. By the way, this post is going to be a mash-up between my "sign-up" post and my "Day 1 - intro and challenge" post.
My Goal? 3 books. I'm a slow reader and I really don't know how much time I'll have, but I'll definitely make some to finish 3 books!
What am I going to read? I'm currently reading Something Strange and Deadly and this gives me the push to make the time to finish it. I'm actually enjoying it a lot more than I thought. I'm definitely an Eleanor fan! So what else am I going to read? Hm....I honestly don't know. I just finished Clockwork Princess (My emotions are still reeling) and so I kind of want to go back and re-read her first series. I don't remember absolutely loving it as much as I did her prequel series, but I really just want to give it another go. Especially since the movie is coming out. Though, aren't there like 6 books out now? Um....well I don't know if I'll read the whole series, but I'll definitely read the first 3 since I own those. However, I don't know if I'll read them all for the read-a-thon. I may take a break and read Stormdancer. I'm totally a huge fan of fantasy so this is right up my alley!
I'm a 19 year old movie-loving, shopping-addicted, book-lovin Army Brat. I love traveling and am so blessed to have been all over Europe, Australia and New Zealand. I'm the youngest of 3 and the favorite. Don't worry, my parents know this, they just don't want to hurt my siblings feelings. Understandable.
I started my blog way back in January 2012 but really only blogged until about August of 2012. Once I started school, I just stopped reading and because I didn't have much to put on my blog, I just kinda let it fall through, sadly enough. What can I say, I was just a lowly freshman trying to figure out my first year of college and let my studies take precedence over reading......HA! Man, I crack myself up. More like, I let Netflix take over my life. But the first excuse sounds better, so let's go with that one. Anyways, I hope to continue reading and since I know how to balance my time better, I plan on keeping my blog up! What can I say, I missed it!!
So that's my intro. I'd love to get to know some of the participants better so leave a comment below!
All the best ♥
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So what did y'all think? I'd love to know your opinions :)
(P.S. I try to answer all comments so check back often! Also, this is an award-free blog. I absolutely love that you thought of me, but I don't have time to pass it along. Thank you though!)