Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The One Where I Introduce Myself for Armchair BEA 2015

It's that time of year again. The time when book bloggers, authors and all bookish fans get together in the NYC for the great meet and greet known as BEA. For those of us not lucky enough (read: poor college student) to attend the real life version of BEA, there is the great internet version known as Armchair BEA so that we unlucky folk can get a taste of the great big BEA in our own little corner of the internet. 

1. Tell us a bit about yourself: How long have you been blogging? Where are you from? How did you get into blogging?

I actually started blogging wayyyyyy back in January of 2012 (I feel so old at this moment....). I accidentally came across one while looking for a book recommendation online and just kept finding more and more. I thought it seemed like a lot of fun, the community is great, and I just like to spread my opinion, so I created it on a whim. Even though I've had this blog for a good long while I've taken a lot of lengthy.....breaks. When I first started blogging I never realized how time-consuming it could be (I'm sure many other bloggers can understand). A lot of these breaks happen during the school year because with full credit loads and work, time is almost nonexistent and Netflix is all-consuming (curse you NETFLIX *shakes fist* okay, not really, you're amazing I love you). I always try to get back into it, but time-management is not my forte and unfortunately blogging gets pushed to the wayside. However, as always, I try and restart and get back into it. I enjoy it. I really do. And even though I may not always be the most consistent, it's still a ton of fun and I enjoy coming back to it and getting back into the community. 

A little bit about myself:

  I'm an Army brat so I'm not really "from" anywhere, but everywhere. I'm currently blogging from GA but go to school in VA. I'm a HUGE movie lover. Some of my favorites? Gladiator, LOTR, Harry Potter, any war movie, superhero movies (a la avengers), Lion King, Mulan, Aladdin, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, the Princess Bride, Major Payne, and my absolute favorite comedy - MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL! If you love that movie, we can be automatic friends. And don't get me started on TV (see above paragraph for obsession with Netflix). I also love all things shopping and fashion. Too bad I have so few funds and that my love of clothes competes with my love of books. And traveling! Oh how I love to explore the world! I've visited and lived all over and can't choose favorites. Each place holds a special place in my heart. I also absolutely love animals. I wanted to be a zoologist until I learned it was pretty useless unless I had a PhD. Too much money. Also, too much science.  But I have 2 wonderful, adorable, and annoying pugs. Gotta love em. I instead turned to Psychology. Still a science, but a science I enjoy so much more and only need a Masters for. So, still a ton of money, but at least it's something I enjoy.  

2. What is your favorite genre and why?

Yes. I'm a HUGE fantasy junky. I love the escapism aspect of fantasy novels. I love to find a new world and get lost in it. The creativity and imagination behind fantasy books is like no other. I'm always a sucker for magical realms, magical powers and creatures, warring countries, action-packed fighting scenes, assassins, thieves, chosen ones, political intrigue  and all sorts of weaponry. Give me a high fantasy any day of the weak.

3. What book are you reading right now?

Crown of Embers  by Rae Carson.

Phenomenal. This is actually a re-read for me in preparation of the last book and it's amazing. I forgot just how much I absolutely love this book (and series). And what better book to be reading during this armchair BEA where the theme is diversity? The main character does not fit the typical beautiful, skinny girl mold but must deal with emotional eating. Though she's a tough character, her strength in not in her skill with weapons but her intelligent and strategic mind. And this takes place in a Middle Eastern or African inspired realm that is beautifully crafted and magical. 
Read it. 

4. What book are you most looking forward to reading this summer?

by Sarah J. Maas
Release date: September 1, 2015 

Please. Do I even need to give you a reason for this being my most anticipated? 

Which leads me to this question:

5. What is one book everyone should read?

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

If you're a fantasy lover and love kick-butt women, hot guys, political and royal intrigue, assassins, emotional blows to the heart, feelings, feelings, and more feelings, pure awesomeness, tons of action, fae, awesome bad guys you hate, magic, and more awesomeness and hotness, then read this (and that's a really horrible description that doesn't do this the slightest justice). This is one of the few series where it actually gets better as it goes along. Book 3? Destroyed me, put me back together, said "PSYCH!!", and destroyed me again.
I loved it.

How about y'all? What are some books you're anticipating this year? What are your plans for Armchair BEA? Introduce yourselves in the comments below (if you're so inclined).

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  1. I really loved Throne of Glass too. Epic!
    Happy ABEA!

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  3. I assume that your reading style have some similarities with mine. I will try your recommendation in this weekend.

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So what did y'all think? I'd love to know your opinions :)
(P.S. I try to answer all comments so check back often! Also, this is an award-free blog. I absolutely love that you thought of me, but I don't have time to pass it along. Thank you though!)